
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ubuntu: PPA search via terminal

PPA search is small and simple tool for searching PPA for packages.

Now type the following in terminal

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wrinkliez/ppasearch && sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ppasearch

To run the programe type ppasearch in terminal

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ubuntu: A file manager Midnight commander

In ubuntu a nice file manager Midnight commander. It is easily installed and use it.

In ubuntu type the following in terminal

sudo apt-get install mc


It contains many features

1.Master renaming files,editing and copying
2.To view the rpm, deb files
3.Arrow keys control the selection
4.Function keys performs operations
5.It is mouse suppoort

It is also downloaded from here

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ubuntu: To place the notification in different screen corners

Here is the tutorials for place to notifications in different corners.

First add the following repo in software sources.Type the following line in terminal

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:leolik/leolik

Then type following commands in terminal

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

pkill notify-osd

Now place the notification in bottom right corner, type the following in terminal

gconftool-2 -s /apps/notify-osd/gravity --type=int 3

then place the notification in bottom left corner

gconftool-2 -s /apps/notify-osd/gravity --type=int 4

The syntax of the command is

gconftool-2 -s /apps/notify-osd/gravity --type=int n

Here n is the number from the following

1 - top-right corner
2 - middle-right
3 - bottom-right corner
4 - bottom-left corner
5 - middle-left
6 - top-left corner

For the test type the following

notify-send xxx xxx is the text to send for notification

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Ubuntu: Tracking your stolen linux laptop or desktop

Prey is simple and easy opensource application for tracking stolen linux laptop or desktop.

Now download the prey application and install it.

Then go to Applications->system tools->prey configurator

Getting api key and device key register in

Now open and login.

If your laptop is stolen, press the green colour and give details of your laptop.

Then press update button. If the stolen laptop connected to the internet, the details of the laptop is coming through email.

Now click the link the detailed report here

Here the remote ip address is shown and photo of the operator thro' webcam.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Ubuntu: A screencasting tool

Screenkey is a open source and screencasting tool. It is used for displaying the key presses. It is also used with recordmydesktop programme for tutorials.

Now download the link screenkey

Then go to Applications->accessories->screenkey

Now the icon displayes in the top panel.

A video shows the how to work screen key